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Staff your IT projects with our resources being deployed at your premises. If you require additional skills, you can add our staff to support you in your mobile, web or software development projects. We can cover your IT demands in every scope, add by proposing IT individuals or teams on a leasing model in various technologies.


If you require greater production forces, flexibility and want to cut cost and risk, then INNOBO can offer you the perfect IT outsourcing service. Now you can scale your IT staff with a team of software engineers very fast.

How we work

Benefits of this IT outsourcing service


Lower risk and reduced recruitment time

Flexibility and close your skill gap

React to changes quickly

Freedom from unnecessary legal procedures

Corporate alignment

Why us?

A valued partner of big organizations – We have been cooperating with international corporations

Project experience – we have extensive experience in project implementation

We’re experienced – Proven experts – Our people are proven specialist with certificates to confirm their competencies.

Complete your project with real experts

Our Expertise

Why Choose Innobo?